Welcome to my dreamscape

Ever since I was a little kid, I've had very vivid dreams and I dream extremely often so I decided to make a blog to share them.


Almost all my dreams are in the third-person view.

Almost all my dreams are in the third-person view.I don't put every single dream I have, mainly I don't with ones that reflect my daily life, common/normal dreams explain them mostly already.

I understand the writing is all over the place, so sorry, but I am writing these as soon as I wake up, and dreams are messy in the first place ૮꒰⑅ ◜ ◝ ꒱ა

Death Sand Trap

First I was in a weird house on a beach with tons of sandThen I think I died? Or someone killed me?Then I came backThen I tried to escape something I was climbing a mouton of sand, but backward like put my first and then climb with my hands, my hands were hanging by some sort of weird wire fence that surrounded me.It was like going up a timer but my feet hurt so much and tons of effort was made to climb, as I had to climb the sand and it felt like my feet sinking in the sand and I keep trying to go up in that strange position while climbing, was so bizarre.The worst is that the closer I made it to the top I could see things hanging at the top, it was thin spikes, almost like giants nails that could fall over me at any moment.I was escaping by cutting the fence when I got to the top when I got a phone call and woke up abruptly.

Ear bug?

This was short but it very distressing.
I was in my house when a fly entered my ear, I couldn't get it out by hand for some reason, I heard a loud awful buzzing getting louder and louder, I woke up so suddenly and felt unwell. I had many dreams all my life, but, this one and another one (that I plan on writing) have been the only ones that truly scared me.
I have never liked flies, bees, or wasps, I cannot stand the buzzing of insects like that. I believe this dream was more than just a dream before I went to bed a fly had entered my room but I could not kill it, it was in the wall of the roof, and it's way too tall for me.I think that fly entered my ear and left, hence why I woke up so suddlently. At least I hope it left, it wouldn't be the first time a bug entered my ear only to die there and have to be taken out.

I was outside, I kept seeing a flashing light, it had no pattern, but it never entirely stopped, sometimes I would cover my eyes, and others I would stare directly.
It keeps getting closer, the closer it got, the less I could move.

This entire month I've got the same dream with slight differences, I am in my grandparent's home, outside it's snowing, I am wrapped in a blanket in bed, sometimes I am on the couch, there is no one home, sometimes it's silent and others I could hear whispers.
I am shivering non-stop. How strange, the summer just started, I can't wrap my head around this.

(August 2022)
I am in a black swamp, the trees are dead, it's so cloudy I can't look at the sun despite being daytime, and there is no fog yet I still couldn't see my surroundings well.
I fell into a sandtrap, I was fighting but it was pointless, I keep sinking and sinking, I reached with my arms for someone or something to grab me.
I woke up before it fully consumed me.

HairI was eating in my grandparent's home, it looked like cereal or something similar when I began to choke on something.I spit out the food but I keep coughing, violently coughing.
Then I started to vomit, chunks of hair coming out of my mouth, I was gasping for air when I woke up.

Feeding timeI had a dream about feeding my cat in the middle of the night. Woke up to her meowing next to me, it was time to feed her for real lol.

I was on a beach, there was a small house and outside was a palm roof, I was seeing looking at the sand, there was more sand than water and I could barely look at the ocean in the far distance.
I was wearing a long white dress, and a man came and started pinching my cheeks, and he keep doing it, I was uncomfortable, trying to get out, but he kept doing it.

(October 2022)My air conditioner was dropping so much water it look as if it was raining, I was desperate to get out all of the water, throwing it out of my window, I couldn’t see well outside it was so foggy, then I saw that my cable extensions were burning up, I rush to turn them off, I was scared to get electrocuted, I was trying to find a way to dry it.

Lost Phone
I was in a strange mansion, people congratulating me on getting it.
The floors were covered in carpet, and the halls were so tall, There was a party to congratulate me, someone lost their phone and I went looking for them.

Everything was made of clay, like a claymation movie. It was disturbing
I was like a weird caterpillar with big eyes, I was in some strange tower, and every tower had a room, I am in a bright room that looked like a neon party, and was are security guards that were also caterpillars
Then I get in another room a box like mail. Opening and its clay butterfly wings, I out then on, they merged into my skin like a parasite, the next part is blurry, I keep going up the tower, there are other neon rooms, the caterpillar is smiling with its big awful eyes, other caterpillars want to stop me from going up, I see the face staring at me, more staring.
All the time I keep hearing a noise, like a strange moaning of pain and excitement at the same time.

Bunny Girl
I dreamt about a bunny
It was all so dark, there were no lights, and it was never daytime either only saw light once that came from a fire.
This bunny girl had a cute dress and a ribbon around her ears (like the accessory I have).
For some reason, there was someone narrating as if it was a story.
The bunny girl killed another bunny man from their small dark village, it send them into a panic, and the more bunnies she killed she got more paranoid, paranoid enough that she stopped leaving her house and locked herself there.
Other bunnies thought she was just scared of the killer at first
The bunny girl starts to panic and panic, she breaks things around her wooden house, she doesn’t eat.
One day a small bunny visits her, she tries to pretend things are better, that there are no more killings so people don’t suspect her
But she says to the small bunny “you can be what you want to be”
For some reason that is a phrase that triggers something and the other bunnies go after her, but instead of killing her they let her root in that house, they had known for a while now since they had connected the dots but they are waiting for her to rot in the house.
The bunny girl had big eyes the other bunnies looked like dark shadows.

I don't know how my mind came up with all that but this is becoming one of my favorite dreams

Persona Palace
I dreamt about the phantom thieves, they infiltrated a small palace, it had a security room that had to be open by a vent, and the girls of the team opened it, (the team was Makoto, Morgana, Ryiju, joker, Ann, and Yusuke) and the boys went it to fight a shadow.
The shadows guarding the palace were security guards, kinda like in the Madarame palace, there were also red light censors.
The next thing I see is that they skipped to the card sending, the palace had only 3 floors, the first was just enemies and security and the third was supposedly where the boss was. They didn’t enter the second floor for a reason
When sending the card Joker leaps onto the second floor avoiding a maze of lasers and finds a weird-looking shadow, it was blue with a big circle head and hair it was spring like it was dizzy, and the body was a darker blue with claws in its hands and feet, it said something about revenge, wanting to have peace, it joined Joker like a mask but he couldn’t use it, for some reason when Joker was checking his masks, they looked like Pokémon? And they were the wrong color too.
Maybe I am playing too much of these games.

I miss her
I had a dream that I saw my nona dying, I was crying, and I could see people moving their mouths but I couldn’t move mine.

There was a monkey in my room a chimpanzee
I was hiding so it wouldn’t see me but everyone treated it as a pet, despite the fact I really don’t like primates.
I remember someone sedated him and put him under my bed, very strange under my bed isn’t that big.
He sat on my couch and then I woke up.

Man in the Window
I was entering to take a shower when I saw a man in the small top window of the bathroom, I freaked out, started to cry, and yelled at him to leave at one point I remember saying “I know that you like to watch inside but please don’t to it while Im in there”.
Then I heard the footsteps of someone coming to the bathroom, and after that, I woke up.

Gravity Grasshopper
This dream was weird in a wholesome way, I saw a man falling in love with a grasshopper called gravity, they would spend their time together in a train station, and when he wanted to see them, he would scream all over for gravity, kinda fun.

Green slug
I was seeing a tiny green slow in a huge forest beside a small pound, filled with flowers enjoying themselves on a swing that was way too big for them,
really wholesome.

Space Ride Theme Park
I was in a theme park, we were in a line, waiting for these space like ride, and a woman appeared o the screen 1950? 60?40? I don’t know old hair in that pretty style, she was saying about space station, she was putting on perfume in one of those big fancy bottles with the big buttons, she said somethings, I can’t remember but she was moving her lips, on the ride I was wearing an overall like the brown I have in my room.
Got in my phone in my front overall pocket, and I sat in a white cart, a small round circle-like bench 2 they had the safety hatch thing, and the bench was black.
It started the woman on the screen again, then it’s moving, perfume spray from the sides, 2 things open and the perfume comes from both sides, making me cough cause it's too much, keep moving, fast part then we go forward, becomes a water slide, 2 sides you can take, I tame the fast one, it’s fast but the ride cart is sinking, I’m trying not to get my phone wet, I’m completely wet, then the ride ends, get down, see the backs of people leaving, I try desperately to clean my phone, I see a weird destroyed kitchen lighter, I threw it in the trash, worried the trash might cause fire

I was in a room that was slowly getting smaller and smaller, and before it crushed me, I woke up.

I was lost, in some sort of black void, walking, then running, I could hear something chasing me, but nothing could be seen or heard.
First, it sounded like human shoes on the ground.
Tap, tap, tap
But then it became faster, and the sound of hoofs running replaced the tapping sound.
At one point I felt myself falling into the void, I kept falling, there was no end to it.
When I woke up, it felt strange, because I didn't almost touch the ground, I woke up feeling fully rested and ready to start my day.

I was choking on something; I was coughing and wheezing; I was desperately grasping for air; there was something in my throat, like it was trying to get out.
When I woke up, I went into the bathroom to puke.

Theme ParkStrangely enough, I dreamt that I asked a friend to go to a theme park with me, it looked like partly Disney and partly some sort of European town. What I found odd is that the "friend" really was a girl from when I was in primary school, and we actually were not even friends.In my dream, I ended up missing a bus that connected to our meeting place, since the park was so big you needed to take a bus for easy transportation to certain areas, I remember walking alongside the busy park streets for what felt like hours, even running sometimes, to try and catch up with her. I ended up being late of course, but in line, was a different friend, one I meet in a different school years later when I was in secondary school, and I cried to her about how awful I felt for missing it, and she comforted me. It felt very sweet that she was there for me.

🗡 "Zelda Dreams" 🗡

The Majora Saga







new march 2023
Majorask Secret Room
I was seeing the innn in majorask mask the was a room, but like any on the inn, it had a big bed, a nightsand with like a candle, glass windows all in purple, the room was in various shades of purple, on the side was a crack in the wall, I heard “try bombs” so maybe I was playing or sawing someone play, that did work so I heard “try the hammer” (majora don’t have a hammer so weird) it worked the wall broke, revealing a room with 4 re deaths one on each side of room, they were in the fetal positions but they were wearing clothes, black like robes but arms were not covered and you could still see long legs, there was a counter in the left side of the room, there was the curiosity shop guy, the shop looked like the other one he works in but purple and candles
Link got close and interacted, I saw the dialogue box but woth no dialogue as usual, shop guy made a hand gesture
All re deaths danced like they do, then they all attacked link
There pause a sudden changeThe castor race was different it had the 2 normal stages as usual but a 3 rd secret one, where the pond was extremely big from down, like mire deep than it looked there was even an orca swimming by, the race was under all that water, the music was playing, something said ot maybe I thought “life isnt fair” the water looked like a sky but you where swimming, like the watwr was blue sky and clouds but still swimming and having to pass the things in the race.

"Normal Dreams"

These are dreams I know that are common, that happens to a lot of people, and seem to be a normal occurrence. So these are my experience on how they play out with me.

Falling Teeth
They all are the same, I find myself in some sort of bathroom looking in front of a sink with a mirror, the place is white but a few times a very light blue.
I take my hand out of my mouth and my teeth start falling over, its strange since there are more teeth than a person has but they keep falling and falling, sometimes there is blood.
I eventually wake up, this is my most consistent dream, having the least amount of changes.

I have many dreams where I am naked, for some reason the vast majority I find myself in my primary school having a normal class with my old classmates and suddenly I realize I am naked, yet no one else realizes, or maybe they don't care; they act as if nothing is different.
These dreams are very strange because I am always so confused in them like I see myself so I get embarrassed but no one cares, people try to talk with me but I don't understand their words.
I see their mouths moving but don't hear a sound, they seem more like nightmares in how they play out, I feel distressed.

Falling Dreams
These are the most linear and short ones, I find myself falling when I realize it I start to struggle and I very suddenly wake up. Not memorable like the rest, the sky is always blue with lots of clouds is the only thing I can tell from it.

"Common Dreams"

My Grandmas House(?)Growing up I stayed much of my time with both sets of grandmothers. However, I spend more time with my maternal side; a ton of my dreams are in a house that is almost the same as hers, yet the difference is that the house gets bigger with more rooms.
It's very strange because these rooms look a lot as if someone added more space to the house, they are not totally different, they have the same layout.
The dream starts with me looking around the house only to realize it gets bigger and bigger, creating some sort of maze.
Like a liminal space before I knew what they were, totally empty but never-ending, recently I learned of the backrooms and it kinda freaked me out since while it's a made-up thing, it describes so well how I feel in these dreams.
I keep going but there is no end, although my dreams have no monsters, I am alone, rooms have furniture or they might not but there is never another entity. Although sometimes it feels as if there is something watching me.

Primary School Dreams
I tend to be a lot in the school I went to during my primary schooling, even after leaving the school and having an equal amount of time in another school during my middle/high school years, I tend to dream a lot about this school section, in this dreams, they are the ones with the most people, most of my all classmates and groups of kids that I don't recognize.
Strangely it's always kids, there is never a teacher or a parent in there. Very bizarre in general. But I don't have them as often as other dreams.

"Common Themes"

● Being/Feeling Trapped:

Most of my dreams involve me not being able to leave, I am rarely in an open space.
For example, the doors in my grandma's house being locked especially the main one, I see that door as a gigantic wooden door, it has no visible lock but is as if a part of me knows it is locked.
In my school dreams, I can go all around my school but I cannot leave it, I cant see a fence either, is as if the world stops around the edge.Most of my dreams show me in a 'place with no way out.

● Being Alone:

Aside from my school dreams, I can say that in many of the dreams I have I am so alone, like there is nothing, as if I am the only being in existence.Weirdly sometimes I see 1 person or 1 strange creature at the very begging when dreaming alone but then they disappear, and it feels different, not a "they left" but I am now completely alone in this world, they banished from it and now I am the only one left behind.Doesn't help that this creature or person that appears is always antagonistic before leaving.

● Old Things:

Well not old like thosands of years ago but vintage items or stuff that you find with your grandparents in general.
Like I said I spend so much time with both sets of grandparents so I think there is something in my brain that makes me see old things like vinyl records or old paintings decorating the house.
Many images here have angel paintings and that's because both grandparents had paintings like that in their homes, I tend to associate dreams with angels since I see paintings like that in my dreams.